NOW HIRING!!! Director of Transportation @ Deer Valley Unified School District

 NOW HIRING - Director of Transportation @ Deer Valley Unified School District

Join the Award-Winning Deer Valley Team. Deer Valley Unified School District serves over 32,000 students within 39 schools located over 367 square miles in the north Phoenix area. The Transportation Department provides safe, reliable and efficient transportation services traveling over 2 million miles each year. This position is a 12-month position with a competitive salary and benefit package. DVUSD is seeking an experienced individual to support all our transportation service needs.

To Apply
Please submit a letter of interest and resume to Mr. Jim Migliorino, Deputy Superintendent of Fiscal & Business Services, at Applicants must also apply online at: (position is posted under Administrative/Supervisory then within the Managers/Directors/Supervisors postings)

$83,407 beginning salary rate, plus benefits (including additional performance pay)

12-month position with supervisory responsibilities


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